The Sleeping Beauty Princess slept for 100 years and when she is waking up by the handsome Prince, she is still young and beautiful as before, and not turns into great great grandnana, wish that fact also apply for us lol *◇* image copyright belong to Disney Maybe the explisit meaning of the story really to tell us young women to always have...
Yes dear, it is the fact that when you see something clean, then you will see a beauty. Clean place, clean room, clean body, clean face and even clean mind. When looking to a man, some girls prefer to have clean shaven and clean body of course, clean appearance turns out to be more attractive to see, though that man is not as...
No sweetie, it is not a girlfriend singer Vitamin C who sang Graduation (Best Friends Forever) you've seen on music channel. (#⌒∇⌒#)ゞ The Vitamin C here is a natural nutrient that has (quite difficult to pronounce or remember :D ) a scientific name which is called ascorbic acid. The nutrient helps form the collagen and elastin which essential to keep the skin looking...
I am a huge fans of this Nature Republic product, first I had it last year a gift from my Korean co-worker. nature republic product photo taken at Mapo-gu, Seoul. March 8, 2014 I was stunning and amazed how this Aloe Vera soothing gel works on my body. The texture is sooo light and real soothhh on my skin. More if you chill...