
Why Vitamin C good to keep up our youth ?

By Bybyelle - 3:01 AM

No sweetie, it is not a girlfriend singer Vitamin C who sang Graduation (Best Friends Forever) you've seen on music channel.  (#⌒∇⌒#)ゞ

The Vitamin C here is a natural nutrient that has (quite difficult to pronounce or remember :D ) a scientific name which is called ascorbic acid. The nutrient helps form the collagen and elastin which essential to keep the skin looking plump and young.  Ok, forget the difficult name, who needs to remember it anyway.
All we need the wonderful result of Vitamin C right?!

Fruits and vegetables like Orange, Lemon, Apple, Mango, Blueberry, Brocolli even Pepper you named it all loaded with the Vitamin C you need everyday.  Why?... Why?... Because it is very good to keep your healthy body, best immune system, and for women most to have glowing and fairer skin.

Wait how much is the Vitamin C contain in one orange or apple you eat? research says one medium Orange, it only contain 69.7 mg of this ascorbic acid. Apple even only has 8.4 mg :( (i loves apple, to be noted)
Red bell pepper is more likely higher it contains 312 mg, but you have to eat it whole~ raw!! Mm.. think again, i let you try it, not me though~ Lol :))

I live for over 30+ years to the fact that I need to take at least 1000 mg of Vitamin C a day, to keep me from being ill, fatigue and remain a youth skin. Let's count, since I love apple therefore say I need to eat about 113 apples a day >_< "" whoa~ another deep thinking here ~_~ not possible.

Hence, we need to stay youth with glowing skin, that only this Vitamin C can benefit us, aren't we?!
The answer is finding a supplement for your healthy body and as well as Vitamin C Serum for great skin results.  Well, I don't need to talk about Vitamin C supplement, as it very easy to find it in your nearby pharmacy store. Mine I take 1000mg Ester C brand as it came very natural and less acid. The word "Natural" is a must, agreed?!

So, what is a Vitamin C Serum? is a high level concentrate of L-ascorbic acid that good to apply on your skin (face or body), it has powerful antioxidant that can fight the aging process, put clearer and smoother skin, helps get rid off those wrinkles, in which means to stay your youth longer than ever~~

The secret is you have to choose serum product that at least contain 10% vitamin C serum in it, but hey what if there is product that pure natural with 20% Vitamin C Serum, don't you think even better?
Try this OST Original Pure Vitamin C20 Serum. Totally pure, it removes your dead skin cell, tightening pore, makes your skin whiter, if you have scar from acne, it helps you diminished it, and those black beads of yours gone forever. The fastest effect, use it for one week, you will be seen the result of better smooth fairer skin.

And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives.
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25 ~ ~ ~
                         (Vitamin C ~ Graduation "Best Friends Forever" song lyrics)

Yes, though we had left those high school and college times, we need to stay in that 20s youth. Look at my profile @_@ a living youth looks who almost leaves her 30+ . 'Nuff said girls (or men there ;)), follow my path and benefit yourself of longer youth~ Yeayy \(⌒∇⌒)/

image copyright belong to wishtrend.com

I am not a nutritionist nor dermatologist, all the information above is based on articles which sources links included in the writing. Though the product suggested is proven safe, still you need to read the product label and follow the using instruction in it for your own good. The article contain affiliated links, which I use to support the blog. Enter only when you think its right, match your skin and good to preserve your beauty :)

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