
Banished your acne with traditional recipe

By Bybyelle - 8:45 PM

Hello dear, April Fool's Day just passed yesterday, what did you do to your friends, brothers or sisters to  make them laugh? Anyway I hope you have a happy day every day.

Spring is coming, is time to dress pretty, what about your face? is it flawless or do you have those little annoying thing stayed. Acne, zit, basically it is caused by the dirty blood inside your body, beside a dirty face caused by the external factor like dirty air or your dirty hands who keep touching your face,
That's why for certain women, when they have their period days coming, that's when the acne comes out.

I have this easy recipe I like to share, it's from my Dad, yes~ my beloved Dad ^^ not my mom or grandma.
He sometimes suffered from acne in his back, a bit rare though, so what he did was drink a herbal drink for 2 days and everything completely gone.

The recipe is come from my Javanese, Indonesian ancestor. Herbs or "Jamu" in bahasa Indonesian is used for thousands years, not only for healing but some herbs is good for preserve a beauty.

Jamu Bersih Darah, meaning Cleansing Blood Herbs, its meant to clean the dirty blood, make the blood circulation better, helps to reduce itching and clear the acne. Itching can be a symptom from allergy like eating the wrong seafood, this herbs can help you overcome it also.

Unfortunately this herb is only easily get in Indonesia, produce by Sidomuncul, one of the well-know herbs company.  The price is very cheap only 10 cents USD.

How to prepare this drink:

1 pack of Cleansing Blood Herbs

1 pack of Madurasa (Honey~ any honey will do) 20ml

1 slice of Lime or Lemon juice
1 tbs of sugar
half cup of warm to hot water drink

Just mixed all the above ingredients in one cup.  Prepare another glass of water with honey, because although already mixed with honey and sugar, the taste still will be very very very bitter.

Drink the water and honey after you drink the herbs.  But if you can hold up the taste, no need then :D

Drink this at least once a day.  Oh, do remember to eat your breakfast or lunch first before you drink this herbs. My experience 3 days top, the acne will be reduce and healed.

Apply extra external care like face wash, cleansing milk and toner. to avoid the acne to comeback.

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