
All Natural Scrub you can make at home

By Bybyelle - 8:34 PM

Scrub is very good to lift up the dead skin cell and for other Vitamin or Serum you put on your face and body is absorbing well.

Korean like all natural scrubs, some we can even make it home. Here I compiled some of the info about all natural scrubs that you can make it home.

1. Sugar scrub
This is the easiest one to make, mixed sugar with extra virgin olive oil and raw honey for smoother result, or you can mixed sugar, virgin coconut oil and vanilla essence.  Just make sure you know what your skin type and best ingredients for you.  The white sugar is suitable for sensitive skin. You can make it also with unrefined cane sugar or brown sugar. Mostly to make this scrub, the proportion is 1:1:1 for each ingredient.
for example: if you put 2 table spoons of sugar, put also 2 table spoons of coconut oil and 2 table spoons of raw honey.  But if you put vanilla extract, just add 1 table spoon is enough for nice scents. Add Vitamin E to enrich your skin.

2.  Salt
This sea ingredient is really good to exfoliate your dead skin cell and renew it.  Use fine sea salt to make this scrub, add 1/2 cup of sweet almond oil for every 1 cup of sea salt, drop 5-15 of your favourite essential oil, choose Lavender for relaxing feel, Lemongrass good for refreshing and Rosemary is best for stimulating.

3. Green Tea Sugar
Green tea known with its high antioxidant content and anti-aging effect, it also a good ingredient to make a homemade scrub, combine green tea, granulated sugar and tea tree oil, or you can skip the oil, it's still good to go. Brew your green tea, make 1 cup, let it cool first before you add a 5 full tablespoon of granulated sugar, blend well, add raw honey about 50ml, add 5 drops tea tree oil if you like.

4. Yogurt Canari
Wants a smooth and silky body then try Yogurt Canary as body scrub, yogurt is best for balance the pH+ level on your skin while canary seed is high content of enzymes, vegetable protein, amino acids and great for antioxidants. Get a plain white yogurt in one cup, blend  also one cup canary half smooth, this canary works as the scrubs, add 2 tablespoon of aloe vera gel to get smoother result on skin. All mixed in one bowl, apply to your body regularly, feels a soothing skin as result.

5. Papaya Oat
Papaya commonly used as the base ingredients for whitening skin, rich of Vitamin A, C and E also highly antioxidant. If you live in Asia, this fruit is very easy to find and not too expensive.  Prepare a ripe papaya, clean the seed and mashing it.  Next, get a full 1 cup of plain oatmeal, grind it, then mix it with the papaya mashed, add 3 tbsp of raw honey.

Its important before you do the scrub on your face, you have to make sure that your face is clean first. Apply the scrub, rub it gently~~ again gently on your face, wait 15 minutes then wash your face with lukewarm water, put mild toner and moisturizer for maximum result.

Or if you are too busy to make all the above scrub, you can always buy a natural scrub, my recommendation would be scrubs from Skinfood brand series. Get it online below^^

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