
The Best of Broccoli for Your Daily Beauty

By Bybyelle - 8:44 PM

Broccoli is a green vegetable that full of Vitamin C  that support youth skin, way higher than Orange, because it has 200mg of pottasium in just a half-cup serving.

Beside Vitamin C it is also very high in Vitamin A that helps fight cancer within your cells, as well as keep your eyes healthy and stave off glaucoma and other eye degenerative diseases. 

Another best thing about Broccoli it is contains the flavonoid kaempferol. Kaempferol is an anti-inflammatory, helps fight against cancer and heart disease, and has been shown to be preventative in adult diabetes onset.

Need fiber to support your diets plan? Just eat Broccoli, it is not only contains in soluble fiber but insoluble as well. The two types that your body needs.

Broccoli originated in Italy off of the Mediterranean, its name is derived from the Italian word broccolo, meaning the flowering top of a cabbage It has been eaten there since the time of the ancient Romans in the 6th Century BC.

Though originally came from Italy but now the largest Broccoli producer is China, it produce more than 8 millions tons of Broccoli every year, and we also know that China use lots of broccoli in many of their daily dishes.

So what are you waiting for? 
Change your diet and eat broccoli as much as you can to hold up your skin beauty.

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